Imigranti v USA, 15. prosince 2012 ve 07:30:07, 89x přečteno

I was recently at a Los Angeles Business Journal event witnessing an award acceptance by the Shipito company, which was selected ahead of hundreds of others as the fastest growing private company in the LA area. What else does it have in common with the previously mentioned companies besides the success story? The founder of Shipito is a Czech immigrant.

“But one thing I’ve learned is that nobody is going to give you anything here (including a job) … especially when you’re from another country. You have to go out and earn it by creating your own projects, building your profile and seeing where that leads. That’s what I’ve done. Putting your destiny in other people’s hands requires more patience than I have.”

That’s the bright side of the immigrant experience. Being an outsider makes you run twice as far and as fast you thought you could, and arrive with a business idea you never thought you had. The beauty of America is that once you understand how the ecosystem works and start building your own business that you passionately believe in — you are in too. And hopefully this message will inspire others who so far might have no idea they are born to run — to run companies that is.

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