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podnikanivusa.com, 20. prosince 2014 ve 21:04:28, 20x přečteno

Velmi casto se nam stava, ze nas kontaktuje nejaka private equity nebo venture kapital firma. To je naprosto normalni a kazda z techto firem zamestnava lidi, kteri tomu venuji vsechen cas, ze vyhledavaji ruzne firmy do kterych by se dalo investovat.

I left a message for you at the office last week and just wanted to follow up.  I’ve been following Shipito for a while now, and was hoping to connect with you later this week if you were available.

I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time looking at disruptive shipping technology, as I’ve connected with a handful of interesting players in the space (e.g. xxxx,xxx,xxx, etc).

I work for a growth equity firm called xxxxx, which has raised over $xx billion over the last 20 years to invest exclusively in information services and technology.  It would be great to have an exploratory call to see if perhaps there is a way that we can work together.  We are principal investors in a handful of very interesting internet-centric businesses, including xxx, xxxx, (we just took it public a few weeks ago),x xxx, and others.

Pokračování na: podnikanivusa.com

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